Custom mouthpieces by Mark Curry (email). (1-800-695-1076) A pleasure to do business with. Fast turnaround on top quality custom mouthpieces, at very reasonable prices. |
One of the best discoveries during my comeback was the Trumpet Players' International Network, or TPIN. TPIN is a mailing list of trumpet players around the world. It has been a great help to me in re-educating myself about the art and science of trumpet playing. Complete archive of TPIN digests Read TPIN messages at eGroups A similar dialog (with some of the same people that are on TPIN plus a lot of others) can be found on the usenet newsgroup I get to usenet via Deja.Com. Or go directly via Deja to |
eBay . The world's biggest flea market. Find a lifetime of work for your favorite brass repairman, right here! The good stuff is under Books, Movies, Music:Musical Instruments:Brass . |
Giardinelli Purchase musical instrument stuff over the net! |
Leather Specialties (Hand guards) 770-434-4705 (Atlanta area).... Handguards made to fit many specific trumpet models. If you are local and can bring them your horn, they can custom fit (if they don't have a pattern for your model). These are the best hand guards available... leather on the outside, then a layer of plastic as a moisture barrier, then a layer of felt, stitched together. It wraps around the valve casing and fastens with velcro fasteners.
They also offer mouthpiece pouches, leather gig bags, etc. ![]() |
Medallion Products Inc Silver/gold plating products 1-800-REPLATE.... I use their Liquid Silver Lotion for touching up spots where the silver has worn off. It holds up ok in "low-traffic" area but must be reapplied frequently in areas with constant contact. |
I use Ultrapure Candle Lamp Oil for valve oil on many of my horns. It lasts much longer than Al Cass, and it is a bit heavier, so it compensates for the somewhat worn valves on my older horns. Also, it is odorless and CHEAP. (16 ounces for about $3). I bought mine at Kroger's. |
  BiNaK 495 valve, slide, key, and rotor instrument oil. A great valve oil which also claims to be free from harmful health effects. In my experience, BiNaK 495 has lubricating performance similar to Ultrapure lamp oil (that's a high compliment!), but with additional anticorrosive, anti-staining benefits. I use this on certain horns that seem to need the added protection from corrosion. |
I use Tarni-shield silver cleaner. It is non-abrasive, cleans up the horn to a brighter shine than anything else I have tried, and it applies an anti-tarnish treatment which prolongs the shine. Also bought at Kroger's. I've been told it can be ordered directlyfrom 3M at 1-800-257-3451. |
The highly acclaimed FLITZ metal polish. Can be used on brass, copper, silver and many other metals. Nonabraisive, nontoxic, safe to use with your bare hands. |
All images and text, ©1999 Alan Rouse. All rights reserved.